Teachers seeking a more structured approach can participate in the Junior Naturalist Program. The Bog provides students and teachers with Junior Naturalist Activity Books (link to PDF of book). The Activity Book explains how children in Kindergarten through 8th Grade can become Quincy Bog Junior Naturalists. Volunteers conduct guided Bog visits in the fall and again in the spring. Badges are awarded to students who complete the required activities and service project.
To minimize the impact on the natural area and ensure a meaningful experience for all our visitors, we ask that teachers schedule their class visits by contacting school coordinator Sarah Dunham. Please fill out and return the School Visit Request Form to reserve your visit.
Each year, Plymouth Regional High School biology teacher Bev Tedeschi brings her Advanced Biology students to Quincy Bog. Students conduct a variety of water quality tests, like pH, nitrogen and dissolved oxygen. Soil cores are also analyzed. She has amassed long-term data that her students have collected over the years at the bog. This hands-on, in the field approach helps foster environmental awareness and a connection to the land.