Visitor Guidelines
Trail Maps, Lists, and Guides
Researchers, Naturalists, and Organized Groups
Quincy Bog is a special place that invites you to contemplate nature and explore. The Bog is private land, not public land owned by all; visitors are guests. Please be respectful. The 1.24 mile loop trail is open dawn to dusk.
To protect the Natural Area and enhance the experience of our visitors, we ask that you observe the following guidelines when visiting the Bog.
School Groups
School groups are encouraged to use the Bog as an outdoor laboratory for exploring the natural world and connecting children with nature. Teachers have the option of directing their own field trips or can arrange for Bog volunteers to lead the student walks.
Quincy Bog Natural Area
131 Quincy Bog Road
Rumney, NH 03266
Because certain activities are potentially high impact, researchers, naturalists and organized groups are asked to obtain permission prior to arriving at QBNA by emailing either:
Here are examples of the type of activity that requires permission:
- Activities that involve leaving marked trails, collecting materials, digging soil pits, or other activities that disturb the natural landscape or biota. To obtain permission, a short statement should be submitted that describes the anticipated impact and how the impact will be mitigated.
- Use of a canoe or kayak on the pond to conduct research. Canoeing and kayaking are not permitted for individuals or groups engaged in recreation or outdoor education.
- Groups of 12 or more persons unless accompanied by a member of the QBNA Board of Directors. Coordinating group visits helps control visitor impact and ensure a better experience for all visitors.
Organized groups using the QBNA are requested to provide QBNA a list of the names and mailing addresses of group leaders and all adult participants. QBNA, P.O. Box 90, Rumney, NH 03266.
Please give credit to Quincy Bog Natural Area in program descriptions, research, reports, etc.
Please send the Board of Directors of Rumney Ecological Systems, PO Box 90, Rumney, NH 03266, a copy of any research reports, species lists, project summaries, etc. that utilize data or other information obtained from activities at QBNA.
For-profit organizations charging fees to participants for programs at the QBNA are requested to make a donation to the Friends of Quincy Bog for the purpose of supporting the operational costs and educational programs of QBNA. For more information contact us at: